To War

"It looks like you are already waiting!" said Carl as he sat on the couch with the complete get-up.

"Let's go then!" Carl said, I nodded and picked my backpack and walked out of my chamber.

As he said, I am completely ready. I am wearing my Battlesuit as pants and a white shirt which is barely visible as I am wearing my green cloak over it.

I also have my telekinesis bracelet in my hand while my Saber and gun placed on the opposite side of my waist, I had nearly drooled when I looked myself in the mirror half an hour ago as I look fucking amazing.

As I walked with Carl I stopped many people on their tracks, whoever comes across us would stop to look at me, this happens every day but today is more than usual.

"It would be really great if Orcs got muddled by your charm like these idiots, you will surely earn a lot of merits if that happened!" Carl said jokingly seeing people stop to look at me as we were walking.

"I wish!" I said I had packed my veil which I plan to wear on the battlefield. My beauty calamitic, on the battlefield it will not help instead it will bring trouble.

Soon we reached the front of the mansion where I saw about two hundred people standing in the neat formation, in front of them some retainers could be seen casually chatting, though their faces may look like they are full of smiles, a clear worry and tenseness could be seen in their eyes.

War is cruel and Bloodthirsty anything could happen at any moment, though they are worried about the War very much they are also excited as War also means merit and rapid chance to advance.

"Lilith!" Isabell said as she came toward me with another woman, the one with her is Sheila, she is another vampire retainer of Ramon and has slightly higher battle power than Isabell.

With Isabell saying my name, I found hundreds of eyes landing on me and an immense amount of lust assaulted me suddenly which had not only to overwhelmed me but also started to make me wet.

I took a deep breath and barely took control over the overwhelming lust that is targeting and smiled at Isabell and Sheila who are coming toward me.

In the last few days when I practiced, lots of crowds came to take a look at me and emit their lustful thought, that was quite overwhelming and I nearly fainted and came near orgasm at the same time.

These four days helped me quite a bit and now I am barely able to bear the lustful emotions directed at me. I am also grateful for the bracelet that is confining my charm otherwise I would have directly fainted with the sheer emotional pressure of others.

"I wish I had a tenth of your looks If I had then I wouldn't have to work so hard in bed," Sheila said jokingly.

"Shiela!" Isabell admonished with a glowering gaze, "What Isabell, you don't wish you had looked like hers!" Sheila said.

I like this Shiela, she never minced her words and always talked about whatever came in her mind without using any filter.

"You don't have to feel jealous, you are very beautiful yourself!" I said, what I said are not empty words, Sheila is beautiful, as beautiful as Isabell.

"You should tell that to my boyfriend who is busy ogling you like rest people here!" she said while rolling her eyes as she mentioned toward Samual who is feeling the gaze of three girls at him, quickly averted his eyes from me.

We were just talking when everything turned silent suddenly, I was a little confused at first but when I followed a gaze, I understood the reason.

It's Ramon who is walking with the frightening middle-aged man, as he came everybody stopped talking and started to get into the position of front to two hundred people that are in the formation.

"We have received the message in the Morning that northern Orc tribes had declared the war officially," said Ramon as he came in front of us.

Everybody was shocked to hear that despite knowing something like will happen. The war started too fast, I had thought it would not start before we reached northern common but it had already started.

"They had already taken two of our cities in a surprise attack and advancing forward. Currently, our forces are holding them back but they need reinforcements," he said.

My parents have drilled enough military knowledge in me that I could read between the lines to get the real information.

The northern command had more than enough people posted there that could handle the full assault of northern tribes, the northern command has most personnel posted there compared to other commands seeing the Warmongering nature of Orc and how often they attack.

We were just going there to provide the number in case something unforeseen happened but looked like some unforeseen did happen and they are now needing the urgent reinforcements.

From what heard from Carl and Isabell, such powerful attacks from orcs could only happen if the orcs found new allies or more northern Orcs joined the attack.

"The intel said, three new northern tribes had joined the Ajholk Consortium temporarily to attack our Six Star Alliance," Roman said.

Hearing three more northern tribes joined the offensive, everyone's mood sank. Each new Orc tribe represents the massive numbers and at least one Prince level powerhouse.

"This war is going to be bloody and very dangerous!"

"I hope everyone will fight bravely and gain maximum merits. If any of you are able to enter in the Top 100 of any merit chart, the family will reward you separately." Ramon said, hearing that everyone's eyes started burning with intense fighting intent.

Merit means everything they can redeem for anything and from what I have heard there are really very rare items come out from the coffers of the Six Star Alliance that one can redeem with merits and now Ramon had said they will get a separate reward if they are able to enter the Top 100 of any chart.

There are many types of such charts and these charts are really effective in boosting morale as each number on the chart represents one's might and things they could be acquired with it.

But accumulating enough merit to enter the chart is very difficult, much less gaining enough of it to be in the Top 100. There will be tens of thousands of people who will be fighting, if I am right there will be more than hundreds of thousands of people who will participate in the war seeing how three more northern orc tribes had joined the offensive.

So it is very difficult to enter a chart much less accumulating enough merit to enter 100 of any chart.

"Let's go, the airships are waiting for use at the main airbase!" said Ramon as he walked up to the most luxurious car in the caravan, Others also took their seats in the cars behind.

Isabell, Sheila and I sat in one car and minutes later the caravan of cars started.

The Cars of this world bore a lot of similarities to the car's used in the 30s and 40st back on earth but one shouldn't compare their speed to the cars of that age as these cars faster than modern cars back on earth, one reason of that the cars of this world run on the Magic crystal rather than the Gas.

As the cars got out of the estate gates, I got my first clear look at the city and my mouth fell open.

It's Beautiful!

Wherever I look, I see beautiful buildings and wide roads, they have even placed beautiful statues on the side of the road, how extravagant.

I know very well that this is an elite residential area, such scenes were to be expected. As the cars move forward and we get out of elite residential areas, the beauty of buildings and residence have considerably lessened but it is still there nonetheless.

I wanted to see more of the city but half an hour later, the cars turned and entered the airbase where I saw giant airships that gave a very very threatening presence.

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