Angel, and Kindhearted Helper

Luke looked at the little girl and asked, "Is she your daughter?"

The middle-aged man responded with a smile, "Yes."

Luke remarked, "She looks like an angel. You must be a happy father."

The man smiled even more delightedly. "Thank you."

They chatted in low voices.

Luke was a great conversationalist. He didn't ask any personal information, and they simply talked about interesting New York facts, like how cold it was in winter.

While they were enjoying the conversation, the little girl in the middle wasn't as happy. "Hey, does either one of you want to switch with me?"

After a brief daze, Luke shook his head. "No, no. Sorry for my disturbance. Please forgive me, beautiful lady."

He then shrugged at the middle-aged man named Damon McCreedy. They smiled at each other and stopped talking.

It was a six-hour flight, and only one hour had passed.

The rest of the trip would only be even more boring.