Folly In the Competition for Credit

Luke wasn't bothered. He never took the big shots' chumminess seriously, since it was only routine behavior for them most of the time, and weren't their true feelings at all.

The interrogation that followed, however, was quite interesting. He was questioned by two parties, namely the FBI and LAPD.

What was interesting was that the FBI tried to prove that Luke hadn't played an important role, while LAPD's questions highlighted his contribution.

For example, the FBI's people would ask, "Why did you let the hostages run amok until our men saved them, instead of protecting the hostages until they left safely?"

Then, LAPD would immediately ask, "After escorting the hostages to the roof, what forced you to leave them to return downstairs and take down the criminals, ultimately ensuring the hostages' safety?"

Most of the time, Luke simply enjoyed the show that was in fact a squabble dressed up as an inquiry.