Lost Bet and a Part-Time Tour Guide

Going northeast from the 17th arrondissement, the 18th and 19th arrondissements weren't as safe.

Further off was Seine-Saint-Denis, commonly known as neuf trois. According to Elena, it was hell and wasn't part of France.

Luke decided that he could check out the 18th arrondissement tonight. As for neuf trois, he had just killed a bunch of gangsters there last night, so he should avoid the area for the time being.

Also, Luke had another information source that was better than this art girl – Daniel.

The cab driver, who clearly wasn't the most law-abiding citizen, would've already been killed by the local gangsters if he didn't know every part of Paris well.

After he made up his mind, Luke relaxed and chatted with Elena.

At noon, Luke said that he would go back to the apartment to get some rest and pay the rent.

Elena followed Luke and said that she would help him call for her dad.

But her dad wasn't around.