Robbery? Give Me Your Money

Generally, French people liked her body shape, and Americans did too. Elena didn't think that Luke preferred it, however.

She was an art student who was good at observing and sketching human bodies.

After two days of living together, she noticed that Luke had quite the athletic body – he must be someone who worked out regularly.

It was a pity that it was still January – if it was summer, she would be able to enjoy more of Luke's body.

He had to be very strong! Elena blushed again at the thought, not because she was shy, but because she was excited.

As an art student, she always preferred male models with amazing muscles.

Luke was feeling very relaxed right now.

He needed to adjust his mood after the big job last night.

When he was at home, he could alleviate his discomfort by cooking or talking with Selina.