Slipping Away From Work

Luke drove the car today, and Selina endured his scolding as she bit into some cheese.

Cheese on its own was food for many Americans.

But for Luke, he had to eat it with other ingredients.

"You have time to eat, but you can't go and buy some ingredients after getting off work? Is it so hard to buy some bread and milk? Just how lazy are you?"

Seizing a moment when her mouth wasn't full, Selina hurried to say, "I can't make any dishes anyway. The food would've gone bad even if I bought them. I'm not lazy. Just make me a list, and I'll go to the supermarket and buy everything myself, okay?"

Luke was rendered speechless.

She did seem to have a point… except she didn't! How could bread and milk go bad so easily? She was simply lazy!

Seeing how shameless his roommate was, Luke stopped nagging her.