Using Abilities to Win Money

Luke stroked her head with a smile. "Stay vigilant in case someone steals your purse."

Selina simply waved her hand, too lazy to talk anymore.

Luke stood up and converted ten thousand dollars into chips, before he went to a blackjack table.

He found an empty seat and sat down, and started to place bets.

An hour later, the chips before him had increased to more than thirty thousand dollars.

But barely anyone paid attention to him, not even the dealer.

In Las Vegas, it wasn't unusual for lucky dogs to win a hundred thousand dollars with just a thousand.

Luke didn't pursue consecutive victories, and gave up when the number was close enough. He was simply betting on chance.

Suddenly, someone walked past and sat down opposite him.

Luke glanced at him and felt like laughing. Why was this guy here? Shouldn't he be at Caesars Palace Hotel?