Future Secretary

Frowning and thinking for a while, Jenny said uncertainly, "The subjects in school seem easy. I even won a scholarship in my freshman year. The stuff that my dad taught me wasn't difficult to understand either."

Luke said, "In that case, you should work harder, and I can hire you as my secretary later. How does that sound?"

Jenny was surprised. "Huh?"

A small-time detective offering to hire a rich girl as a secretary? Really?

Luke chuckled. "I mean it. I have a small business that hasn't made much progress yet. If you're skilled, you can apply your talents there."

Jenny hesitated. "But I don't actually have practical experience. Books are just books. I don't think I'm capable…" She was a lot shrewder when they talked business.

Luke hugged her and kissed her. "It's fine. Even the highest skyscraper has to start with a foundation. Are you not confident that you can be a good secretary?"

Jenny looked at Luke. "Should I really try it out?"