The Mastermind and His Muscle

Selina rolled her eyes. "Hehe. Too late. Also, didn't I run into that female shooter with Donald? And back in Shackelford, we clashed with those shooters from the Carlos family. There's danger everywhere; when I'm with you, at least, I can grow stronger."

After a brief silence, Luke nodded. "Fine, since you understand our current situation so well, let's train for another half an hour. There's still something wrong with your movements."

Selina's eyes bulged. "What?"

Luke said, "My demands are higher so that you can live longer."

In the end, Luke had to carry Selina to the bathroom.

She was too exhausted to walk on her own, and could only tell Luke to draw a hot bath for her.

When Luke called her name again half an hour later, she didn't respond.

Luke opened the bathroom door to find that Selina had already fallen asleep in the bathtub.