Maids or Security?

Luke nodded and said, "Just the gist will be fine."

After Elsa told him the gist of the interrogation, Luke said, "Alright, boss. You shouldn't talk anymore. You spent the whole day yelling at the suspects, didn't you?"

Elsa had some water and lowered her voice. "Did I have a choice? I have to raise my voice to put pressure on them."

Luke asked again, "What about Selina?"

Elsa said, "She's watching Elizabeth and her partner in the interrogation room."

Luke rose and said, "Then I won't disturb you any longer. Boss, you should take a break; you deserve it for cracking two murder cases in one day."

Elsa nodded and watched Luke leave for the interrogation room.

In the interrogation room, Elizabeth and Billy were bombarding Thomson with questions, and Selina was observing Thomson as well as the detectives through a one-way mirror from next door.