The Biggest Suspect (1)

Luke went to Elsa and whispered something to her.

After hearing him out, Elsa rearranged the tasks and had the rookies continue the interrogation, while she and Selina began to question the five biggest suspects.

Luke stood behind them and observed the suspects' reactions during the interrogation.

When the last man came in, the others greeted him. "Hey, Todd."

He was none other than Todd Vince, the second in command on the crew.

He was the writer and the first assistant director on the movie.

Other than Pierce, the director of the movie, he was the most powerful man in the crew.

After a few minutes of questioning, Todd got up and left.

After a moment, Elsa turned back and looked at Luke. "Did you notice anything?"

Luke approached them and said, "Maybe, but tell me what you found first so that I don't influence your view."