Luke's Fear of Lack of Firepower

Looking at Mike's depressed face, Luke smiled and patted his head. "Hey, I'm Elizabeth's backup, and I'll save those in trouble. You're too small to fight the big monster, right?"

Mike was suspicious. "Are you really that good? Even Elizabeth asked for your help?"

Luke chuckled and showed him the pistol in his holster as well as his badge. "Do you see these? Remember, keep it a secret between you and your mother. If anyone else finds out that your sister asked for our help, she'll be in trouble."

Mike nodded obediently.

Luke liked the kid, who was really smart; maybe even smarter than Elizabeth.

He was obviously gifted, to be able to write up those reports at his young age.

He was also quite sensible, unlike other innocent and naive kids.

After giving the kid the reminder, Luke rose and left his room.

Back in the living room, Selina was reading the files by herself. Luke asked, "Where's Samantha?"