Genuine Carrot and Another Elsworth

Smith quickly packed up the guns and stuffed them into a long knapsack.

These guns were handy and top rate. There was no way he would throw them away.

Slinging the knapsack over his shoulder, he suddenly raised his head.

There was nothing but the dark sky outside the broken skylight.

Frowning, he grabbed Miss Donna, who was holding the baby, and said, "Let's go; we'll check out the bar where that heavy metal band is playing."

Miss Donna ran after him. "This is absurd. Oliver is so small, how can he be into rock music?"

Smith said, "That may be our only lead."

He murmured to himself, In any case, I've taken ten thousand dollars from that young man; I can't not do anything.

On the roof, Luke watched them leave before he jumped off.

Half an hour later, three black SUVs stopped in front of a rock n' roll bar in the eastern district, and a dozen men in black suits got out.

They definitely weren't gangsters.