Rich Man Luke? Ascetic Luke?

Pa! Dum!

A carton of milk and a bottle of juice were placed on the desk. "The milk is for you, and the juice is for Sonia."

Alessandro was lost for words.

Sonia picked up the juice and had some, before she said in a low voice, "We ran into Lucas Barton when we were checking out the bowling alley just now. It almost turned into a fight."

Luke didn't stop drinking as he hinted with his eyes for her to continue.

Sonia said, "The guy was almost killed by a body that smashed through the skylight. When we ran into him, he interrogated us like we were prisoners. He certainly didn't look like an officer who hadn't received a complaint for two years running."

Luke was amused; after encountering this massive incident, the mask that Officer Barton used to fool the rest of the world had crumbled.

"Also, after he inspected the men in black who fell from the sky, Officer Barton's expression… was pretty ugly," Sonia added.