Help Me! I'm Just a Kid

This small cabin was obviously the true destination of the county police officers.

The officers had split up into two groups as they looked through the windows.

Luke stopped behind a slope ten meters behind them and observed the officers as well as the cabin.

He had far better sight than a regular person, which allowed him to clearly see what was inside the cabin even though he was far away, and he exclaimed inwardly in surprise.

Inside the living room of the cabin, a few kids were interrogating a man.

Their expressions were aggressive and they were gesturing wildly. Because of the heavy thunderstorm, however, Luke couldn't clearly hear what they were saying.

However, Luke could see that the man was tied to a chair, with several fresh cuts on him.

Thanks to his Sharp Nose, he had already detected that the blood was a mix of two familiar scents.

One belonged to Steve, and the other belonged to the dog.