Promotion and Pay Rise

Looking at the half-full box of regular donuts, and then at the special blueberry cheese donut in her hand, Elsa hesitated for a moment, then said, "Dustin isn't a fan of donuts, anyway. I'll just give him the half-full box."

As for the blueberry cheese donuts, she decided to keep them for herself.

After sitting down at his desk, Luke gave the case files to Selina to screen as usual.

Elizabeth had returned too. She waved at Luke, indicating that she had something to tell him, and Luke nodded for her to come over.

She then told him that Samantha had returned to Arizona with Ashley and Mike. Chris had gone back with his aunt as well.

Jenny and Bobby had been negotiating with Chris about the mine on Luke's behalf, and he hadn't talked to them yet. He simply asked, "Is everything fine on your mother's end?"

Elizabeth hesitated for a moment before she nodded. "We did everything like you said, except…"