I've Fallen For You

"No, I'm not." Jeff hurriedly denied it.

"You're from HR…" The fatty cursed.

"You're wrong." Jeff didn't give up.

"You said that I had suicidal tendencies and clinical depression, and you consoled me with your so-called trust game." The short fatty was very confident.

Jeff quickly shook his head. "No, you don't look like you have depression…"

"And this goddamn MBI stress ball! It's absolutely useless!" the short fatty roared.

He threw the stress ball away. "You're fake. This is a trap. Plan B. Call the chopper."

Selina was lost for words. "It seems that being too good at talking isn't a good thing. Should we make a move?"

"Wait a minute." Luke frowned and listened in on Tim.

"Bait exposed. Requesting an immediate backup-and-rescue," Tim said into a walkie-talkie.

A moment later, he couldn't have looked more awful.

Staring at him for a moment, Natalie replied into the walkie-talkie, "Copy that. Retreating."