Stealing Monsters? Who’s Afraid?!

Selina said a few words on the side before she replied, "Captain Wales said that they only sent one helicopter."

Luke frowned. "Then they better hurry. Two unknown individuals have already shown up, and they look like they want to nab the glory."

Selina was still on the line with Captain Wales, and she promptly relayed Luke's words to him.

A moment later, she said, "Agent Charles has been dispatched. Captain Wales requests that you help him as much as possible to capture Bruce."

Luke sighed. "Okay, no problem."

He was returning the favor.

Wales had always been helpful, so Luke couldn't turn down this small request.

Looking at the two strangers, who had gotten back into their car and were driving into the alley, he grumbled, "Why have all kinds of freaks been popping up lately?"

With his keen sight, it had been easy for him to tell that something wasn't right about these two.