Birth of Gold Nugget and Selina's Appearance

Voracious didn't think it was a big deal. "You're not happy you can have so much delicious food? From the women I see in your memories, if they knew I can absorb their fat, they would come crying for me to combine with them."

Selina snorted. "Even if you were sh*t, they would eat you as long as they can lose weight and be beautiful… though hm, they would probably do it on the sly."

Voracious was unhappy. "Apologize!"

Selina yielded. "I'm sorry. I'm not saying that you're sh*t. It's just that women care far more about their looks than you can imagine."

Voracious nodded as if it was deep in thought. "Like how when we transformed into the complete form, the first thing you thought of wasn't your strength, but your hair?"

Selina replied matter-of-factly, "Unless they like the bald style, there are few women who don't care about their hair!"