What Did You Just Say?

By the time Luke put Lisa Feng in his Hummer, the gunfight in the stronghold behind him had become very fierce.

He scratched his head. "What are you doing? There's a big camp of a hundred people on the other side."

Heaving a sigh, he retrieved an AK as well as two clips that he had gotten off Pedro. "These should be enough."

He then got into the car and stepped on the pedal, and the Hummer roared toward the stronghold.

After driving a hundred meters, he honked and attracted the attention of the soldiers who were fighting and retreating.

"It's that unknown. Why is he still here?" asked the sergeant.

The captain frowned. He fired his rifle at the thugs as he said, "He's here to pick us up."

"Sh*t!" The sergeant cursed, feeling that this stranger was here to hold them back.

With their squad's combat ability, there was no way that the thugs could catch up with them once they retreated.