Men In This World Ultimately Are All About the Face

Five minutes later, a confused Vanessa got out of the car. She watched Luke wave at her and drive off, and for some reason felt like laughing.

Why did he play a card game with her before leaving?

He even claimed that the game could change her life? That would be more convincing if he had used tarot cards!

He also said that he could tell what her luck was going to be like based on the number of times she won or loss. That was even more unbelievable.

Yet when she was faced with all this utter nonsense, she actually listened to him with keen interest, as if she was bewitched. She must be crazy.

But maybe this game really did help, as Vanessa's mood was a lot better as she walked into an alley, whistling a tune.

Luke, who had just lost two consecutive rounds, watched Vanessa leave before he shook his head with a smile. "Your luck only went back to normal after you ran into me."