Hernan Has a “Cold,” and the Mysterious Attacker

Hernan left the house at nine in the morning the next day.

Looking at the image sent back by his drones, Luke was deep in thought. "Who are these two new guys?"

Different from before, the two men who took the backseat of the limo together with Hernan were in gray attire and all covered up.

Just like when Luke went out on a personal assignment, they were wearing masks and sunglasses.

They were only around 1.75 meters tall, but looked very strong. Even their thighs were thicker than Vanessa's waist.

Were they fighters who focused on physical strength?

Luke thought for a moment, but shook his head.

A regular fighter who was focused on physical strength didn't have a lot of advantages in front of guns and cars. They had to be agile as well.

However, those two didn't seem to be carrying any guns; at most, they would only be able to carry a pistol.

Mulling over this, Luke tailed Hernan's car from a distance.