Everybody Is Busy

Gold Nugget whined as it chewed the xiaolongbao.

Luke turned his head with a smile. "It didn't steal anything. It's helping me check the taste of the xiaolongbao. Yours will be ready soon. You can go to the dining table."

Selina quickly went to the dining table. "Chef, service."

Gold Nugget followed her and sat down next to the dining table too.

Selina angrily stretched out her foot to kick its butt gently. "Don't copy me."

Dollar stuck out its big tongue and tried to lick her. This time, it was Dollar the dog who was trying to cozy up to her.

Selina laughed and held Dollar back with her foot so that this scary slobbery monster didn't launch an attack at her.

Luke came out holding aloft some steamer baskets. Ignoring the two overly-energetic fellows, he minded his own business and ate his food.

He threw out one xiaolongbao, instantly distracting the two dogs, and the three of them stopped horsing around.