Who Says My Gun Only Has Five Bullets?

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

Bullets hit the wall around which Luke was hiding.

Luke, however, had already retreated to recollect himself.

Shooting six different targets in a row in one second wasn't something that he did often.

However, it wasn't too hard to do.

After his Mental Strength reached 25, it was easy for him to switch targets very quickly, but the precision of his aim couldn't be guaranteed.

The fact that he had been able to hit all the six criminals in their vitals just now was also due to a bit of luck.

"Mustafa is dead…"

"Aziz is dead…"

"Barry is dead…"

"Hardy is dead…"

"The guy behind is an ace shooter…"

Luke sneered.

These people had opened fire without restraint since entering the lobby.

While they focused on attacking the security guards and police officers, they had killed more than ten civilians.

Such behavior was not something that Luke would tolerate.