I’m Iron Man!

After Luke was done, the silver armor flew over with flames trailing behind it. "I've taken care of the congestions in the east and south. I've won this bet. I'm going to make a winner's request…"

Luke, however, chuckled. "No, you didn't win. Don't tell me your math teacher didn't even teach you how to count heads, right?"

I didn't have a math teacher at all! Tony frowned. "Jarvis, count the number of people we saved."

The locations of all the cars in the east and south flashed past his eyes, and a number popped up: 156.

And the number of people here in the west: 197.

"Sir, excluding the last three people on the bus, you still saved 41 people less than the other party," Jarvis reminded him.

"Damn it. There was a lot of traffic on the west side, and there was also that bus." Tony cursed in frustration.

With Jarvis's help, he instantly knew why he had lost.