Wrapping Up and Summoning a Professional Cleaner

They were Dylan Elsworth, the Elsworth young master, and Alex Montell, the European mafia heir.

Luke had noticed earlier that some of the people who had rescued Alex were in the castle.

Last night, during the prison break, the car he had placed a tracker on did indeed enter Sacramento.

This way, he didn't have to run all over Sacramento.

One in each hand, he dragged the two young masters into the castle, pressed them to the ground, and beat them up until they wailed and howled. Blood splattered everywhere as he successfully interrogated them for the information he needed.

Throwing the two young masters aside, he searched the castle thoroughly again, found the items that he was interested in, and stored them in his inventory.

It wasn't money, and there wasn't a lot of it.

He didn't touch any of the cash or gold in the castle.