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Luke caused the two brothers Henry and Wolf to go missing at the very beginning. Their partner Alex also failed multiple times to escape. Then, Luke stopped them from killing Jennifer, before he finally charged into their nest to wipe them out.

The "fate" tying them together was finally over.

Sheldon wanted to establish an immortal family, but his plan for "grand dominance" was destroyed early.

Only Dylan was still alive, but Luke had turned him into a vampire servant.

And vampires couldn't have children.

This was the complete end of Sheldon's family.

If Dylan and Alex, two newly created vampires, fell into the hands of Hydra from SHIELD, it would only be even more tragic.

If Hydra wanted to recruit these people as its minions, that was exactly what Luke wanted.

These people were bait that he had thrown out.

Luke would then be able to follow the trail back to whoever swallowed them.