I Am a Man In a Mask

"The training you're undergoing right now is part of my advance investment," said Luke, only to see that the expressions of the three girls were blank, as if they didn't quite understand.

He could only choose to explain more simply. "For example, I'm the boss of a record company, and I realize that the three of you have the potential to become singers. However, I would only be wasting money if you started recording right away when you don't know anything about singing. So, I have to train you first. When your abilities reach the basic level for a singer, that's when I let you record songs. Only then will I make money."

The three girls immediately got it.

In America, the first dream most people had was to become a star.

Even the most ignorant person would know the basic "procedure" for becoming a celebrity.

Catching the eye of a talent scout, undergoing training, and finally becoming famous - this was the classic "American dream."