A Pager for the Lonely Tycoon

Luke chuckled. "Hehe, I don't think I've met Mr. Stark before. Are you admitting that you're Iron Man?"

Tony choked and snorted arrogantly. He looked away and said, "What a boring trick. If you like playing riddles, go ahead and guess."

Luke didn't think much of it. He had no time to appease the arrogant tycoon. He threw something at him. "You win. This is a little gift for you."

Tony subconsciously caught it and looked at it. "What's this?"

Luke said, "A pager."

Tony's mind raced as he asked in surprise, "Is this… for you?"

Luke said, "Yes, but only once. It's for saving lives. Don't mess around."

Tony was unhappy. "I'm not a kid. Why would I need you to save me?"

Luke asked, "Didn't you want someone to save you in Afghanistan?"

Tony choked again. As if!