What If You Don't Have Enough Power? Please Call for Help

Luke, on the other hand, continued to make jabs at Tony. "The hole in his side armor is so big that a hand can fit in it, and he's as slow as a pig when he's flying. It would be hard to not miss a live target like that."

Tony: "…"

Luke glanced at him and said, "He's not dead. At most, he's a little dizzy and might have thrown up. Aren't you going to deal with him?"

Tony finally woke up from the shock of "expensive armor being no match for two-dollar darts" and immediately lunged forward.

Watching him pull Obadiah out of the ground, Luke was lost for words. What the hell are you doing? Why aren't you taking this opportunity when your Uncle Stane is down to get rid of him? You should break some bones and stop this metal b*stard from moving first. What's the point of pulling him out? Do you want to ask him, "Why?"

Sure enough, Obadiah, who had just been pulled out of the ground, kicked his nephew's "face" out of reflex.
