A Lawful Interrogation

How could the police lawfully kill a suspect in the interrogation room? Of course, it was the same trick that Luke had once used to lure a suspect into taking the gun.

This method could be simplified significantly — he could stuff the gun into the suspect's hand himself; then, with the sound of a gunshot, the world would be at peace.

The officer involved would at most be demoted after an investigation.

As long as there were no recordings, and it was insisted that the hapless suspect went for the gun, any doubts would be buried.

Luke said solemnly, "We're law enforcement officers. Naturally, we have to strictly abide by the department's rules. I'm just reminding you."

Joe: …Are you f*cking bragging?! Do you think we're not familiar with this business? We just don't usually use it.

Leaving with a face of disdain, Joe nevertheless muttered to himself, This guy isn't as naive as he seems.