Hell's Kitchen Reopens, and Keeping an Eye on the Ingredients

Luke was amused. "Long time no see, Bell. How've you been this year?"

The driver was Bell, the racing queen whom he had met when he first came to New York.

Luke had been using her Elementary Driving all this time, which was especially suitable for city pursuit.

Bell was also delighted. "Not bad. Are you here on a business trip again?"

As she spoke, she kept looking at him in the rearview mirror.

Thankfully, Luke had asked for a speed of no more than 50 km an hour, which was like driving a toy car for Bell.

Luke smiled again and took out his second personal number.

Putting the card in the cash tray, he said, "I've been transferred to NYPD. You can call me if you need anything."

Bell exclaimed, "Oh my god, you transferred to New York? When was that? Why didn't you contact me? I didn't change my number…"