Trish Talk's Small Impact

Mindful of the fact that most women didn't want to get fat, Luke had improved the recipe for the tiramisu. The heat used was much lower than normal, and he was also using yogurt mousse and similar such ingredients.

While he was making dessert, Luke quickly browsed through more than ten videos of Trish Talk.

Apart from the fact that her voice was a little strange, everything else was tolerable.

"Hm, a little like 'telling the truth as it is'?" he murmured.

The main content of this "Trish Talk" was focused on exposing some problems, reporting some touching stories, and unmasking social inequality.

There was no lack of such programs in America, but this Trish was both the producer and the reporter for this program, and she was pretty good.

Looking at the information on the tablet on his right, he exclaimed, "There are so many hardcore fans? This really isn't an ordinary reporter."