A Simple Bowl of Noodles

Watching the baldie's car disappear around a bend in the road, Luke finally let go of Elena's earlobe. "Okay, let's go."

Elena was lost. "Huh?"

Luke said, "You don't know anything about what happened tonight. Don't tell anyone."

Elena: "Huh?"

Luke drove the car and said, "The gunshots just now were probably fired by people who do dirty work. Do you know what that is?"

Elena thought about the movies she had watched. "Bad guys who kill people to keep them quiet?"

Luke nodded. "More or less. But they and the people who were attacked have their own rules. Unless it's necessary, they won't cross paths with ordinary people. It's safest for you to ignore them."

After a brief silence, Elena suddenly reached out and covered his hand. "Do you often face people and situations like this?"