How to Quickly Summon the Rainbow Bridge

Fortunately, Thor's request was very simple. He only told them not to make trouble for Dr. Jane and the others, and offered an alliance in exchange.

What could Phil say in the face of such a good thing?

Of course, looking at Phil's very familiar smile, and then at a certain young man who was looking after his friends not far away, Thor casually added another name to his "exemption list."

After explaining this small matter, the overbearing Thor didn't give Phil a chance to argue anymore. He just said to his four friends, "To the Bifrost."

Then, Mjölnir turned into a propeller, and Thor flew off with Dr. Jane.

Everyone traded looks. What moving PDA.

Luke called out to Phil and asked him to bring the Warriors Three and Sif over.

Of course, Phil wouldn't miss the opportunity to see the Bifrost with his own eyes. He personally drove the four friends to the southeast.

Luke took Selvig and Darcy with him as he drove their jeep over.