Calm Down a Little

Frank was ruthless toward bad guys, but even though Gray Rabbit was a weak chicken, they had gone through life and death together several times and had never betrayed each other.

"Who the hell are you? Don't talk about Puncher, those damn guys call me Punisher! You're saying you're not their accomplice?" he finally said in a dark voice.

Luke was dumbfounded. "What?"

He never thought that there would be a problem here.

But Puncher and Punisher had two completely different meanings, alright! Why so sensitive?

Roasting Robert's old comrade in his heart, Luke said, "This isn't my first rodeo. Daredevil knows me too. His father is a boxer (puncher), but it's not like he mistakes me for his dad."

Frank was stumped again. "You know Red?"

Luke said helplessly, "He's called Daredevil; you call him Red?"

Fine, Lawyer Matt did recently get a new outfit from somewhere, and it was indeed dark red.