I Want... Your Face

This so-called Thousand Faces mask was made from nanotechnology, which came from Stark.

After creating the suitcase version of Mark 5's battle armor, the tycoon already had some ideas for a nanosuit. However, his nanotechnology was still a little too crude, far from the requirements to make a nanosuit.

Hence, the tycoon hadn't delved deeper into this idea.

However, Luke wasn't wearing a uniform with complicated functions. He just wanted to change his face.

If the technology for the nanosuit was the product of a phD academic, then the nanomask was at most a handicraft by a primary school student.

That was why Luke was able to put this experimental product together so quickly.

This nanomask could simulate a high-quality face. It wasn't adverse to water or friction, and wouldn't come off. The only weakness was that it was a little sensitive to electricity.