Change of Plans and Santino's Worries

Luke didn't have time to send Matt back, and even had to make some changes to his plan because of this guy; letting him sleep under a bed was already letting him off easy.

He thought of how people who got in the hitman's way in the movies were knocked out and stuffed either into the bathroom or the closet.

Luke stood on the roof and looked at the red dots on the map.

Thinking for a moment, he decided that he couldn't hide anymore. The Boogeyman had to show his face.

If it wasn't for Matt, he could've played hide-and-seek with the others until midnight.

If John never appeared after Matt appeared, would the High Table eventually be suspicious of Matt?

Was Matt John's accomplice, and had only shown up to distract everyone? Or was Matt someone else's pawn, specifically targeting the High Table?

It was very likely that the High Table would be confused.

After all, Matt had knocked out several hitmen and was wearing such a flashy getup!