V Clears the Scene, and the Fruit of Love

In fact, Wade currently looked like a mutant Shar Pei dog… or a rotten avocado?

No wonder Wade remained in hiding, and only followed his girlfriend stealthily as she put up missing posters everywhere.

Using a rotten avocado to test a woman's love really would be too much.

Pondering for a moment, Luke said, "Interested in a chat at the bar? It's on me."

Wade didn't say anything as he continued looking at the balcony on the third floor.

Luke was too lazy to say much. He simply took out his phone and aimed it at the avocado.

The flash and click of the camera woke Wade up. "What are you doing?"

Luke said, "If you continue playing dead here, I'll send your sh*tty face to your girlfriend."

Wade said, "I was wrong. Where are we going? Right, I don't have any money."

Luke glanced at him disdainfully. "Of course you don't. You stole those clothes, didn't you?"