Talk of a Transfer, and If You Want It, Come and Get It Yourself

Generally, only when police officers shot and injured a suspect or had serious psychological issues would their superior order them to go and get counseling.

John had also been forced to take leave, so this definitely wasn't a small matter.

"How many did you kill this time?" Luke asked involuntarily.

John said unhappily, "Rubbish, it's not that easy to die!"

But when he saw Luke's skeptical expression, he looked away in embarrassment. "Two have serious injuries, three have light injuries."

Luke: "…Are the two with serious injuries about to die?"

John: "…They're still in the ICU. They won't necessarily die… right?"

Luke was lost for words.

He had nothing else to say. He took out a portion of the roast meat from the big bag he was holding and gave it to John. "I'll treat you to a good meal. Let's get a drink when we're free."

John's nose twitched, and he nodded. "Okay."