Mutation, Monster, Witch

When the clone was questioning Simon, he fully activated Elementary Pheromone Control to control Katya.

Simon answered every question he asked.

Although Katya didn't say anything, she subconsciously nodded in confirmation.

Luke's Mental Communication and Pheromone Control was enough for him to glean a lot of information from her without her knowing.

Simon was only responsible for moving his mouth.

After a few questions, all three of them had strange expressions on their faces.

That was because the answers given by Simon and Katya were very different from what Targo said.

Targo said that he had Simon put the bomb in Chester Arthur School, but Simon said that he never got the bomb, and had only made a fake with syrup and put it in the school to buy time.

But Targo's information matched what the group's minor leaders said.

Katya and Simon, however, said something completely different.