Nightclub, and You Would Be First

"Really?" Max's eyes lit up, but she quickly came back to himself and coughed twice. "Let me make it clear first: I'm not going to any shady place."

Caroline, however, secretly pulled her aside and whispered, "You've known each other for less than two hours, and it's the middle of the night. Are you sure? Besides, you've been to a lot of shady places."

"The least shady place I've been in for the last few months is the diner." Max blinked. "Also, he's very handsome. It's fine if the place is just a little shady."

Caroline choked.

There was no arguing that reason!

She was actually someone who looked at appearances, and she couldn't call this man ugly.

If it were her, she wouldn't refuse.

She nodded helplessly. "Alright, remember to get home early. I can't make the cupcakes to sell tomorrow on my own."

Max waved her hand and said casually, "Those customers won't die if they eat less cupcakes. Can't I rest for a day?"