Live Witnesses and Becoming a God

As she browsed the news on her phone, Max talked to Old Earl, and Caroline took out the last three special cupcakes.

Max was shocked. "What? That's fifteen dollars! You didn't sell them?"

Carolin chuckled. "I don't mind, but do you really not want to taste Chris's cooking?"

Max snorted. "I tasted enough this morning… cough cough."

She abruptly stopped talking, and picked up a cupcake. "Hmph, I'll have him make more if there's a chance again."

As she spoke, she took a bite of the cupcake and chewed twice before she raised an eyebrow in surprise. "Hm, this doesn't taste bad."

Caroline gave one to Old Earl with a smile and sat down to eat as well.

There was no way she would tell Max that she had goofed off at noon and eaten the cupcakes at lunch, only to eat four in one go because they were too delicious.

20 dollars for lunch would be too much for Max.

At that moment, Han walked out. "What are you eating?"