Tool Man? Shock Man? Stupid Man!

Elsewhere, Kingpin, who had been deemed a weakling, hung up the phone.

Since Bullseye had agreed to participate in Project Deathlok, Kingpin acquiesced.

If it was before, he wouldn't have agreed.

There was no need for such a useful subordinate to take such a risk to increase his combat ability.

Bullseye's combat ability was very important to Kingpin, but the most important thing was that he was a very capable assassin who could eliminate many competitors and risks.

More than a year ago, this subordinate had become more and more deranged, and they couldn't control his actions.

Every time he heard news on that smiling man, V, Bullseye would lose his temper and wouldn't listen to orders.

But Kingpin didn't want to get rid of Bullseye.

First of all, this guy was very strong and very vigilant. If the cleanup operation failed, it would definitely come back to bite him.

Secondly, Bullseye knew a lot of organization secrets.