Delivering a Table Knife and a Frying Pan as a Good Wife Does

It really wasn't easy to kill Wade, but it wasn't hard to just restrict or trap him.

Wade had been kept under restraints by Francis for many days after he obtained his immortal body. In the end, he found an opportunity to blow up the laboratory before he escaped.

Francis's laboratory could only be considered an underground workshop at most. The alloy and leather restraints were sturdy but not top-quality, yet Wade had still needed to rely on a ploy in order to escape.

These people were clearly more professional and had better equipment.

Wade didn't think he had a chance to escape if he was caught and tossed into a more secure lock-up, and Vanessa would fall into their hands.

At that time, he would be cautious, but the other party could do whatever they wanted.

Thinking that, Wade moved faster. His already crude technique became even rougher as he directly made the injuries bigger and stuck three fingers inside.