The Power of Franklin Bills

The dark sewers had always been a classic setting in horror movies.

At that moment, Luke and Selina were still walking around the suspected body dumpsite. The sounds of running water and scurrying rats added to the atmosphere.

However, neither of them felt anything.

After two minutes of silence, Luke suddenly stopped.

There was a fork in front of him.

At that point, the sewer branched off into three passages. After standing still for a moment, Luke gestured, and the two of them took the left passage.

The stench started to fade, and the air turned dry.

Looking at the dry sewer, Selina typed out a message via her sunglasses and sent it to Luke. "This seems to be an abandoned sewer?"

Luke said, "Probably, but it's occupied. We might be able to find a few eyewitnesses."

Selina asked, "Homeless?"

Luke had a strange expression on his face. "Sort of."

After walking dozens of meters, they stood in front of an iron door.