Taking People Up, Little Gift, and It's Time

But their astonishment only lasted for a moment.

Tony simply said, "Steve, you take charge. We adults can't fall behind the kids too much."

As Steve started issuing orders as he ran, he took the time to ask, "Kids? That Pink Bear?"

Tony said, "Except for Iron Cage King, the others might be… fifteen?"

The communication channel fell silent for one moment.

A bunch of probably 15-year-old kids fought an invading alien army before they arrived. This fact made these battle veterans feel strange.

They were still kids! The Avengers all had the same thought: We can't lose to them!

Steve's thought processes were very clear.

He immediately issued tasks based on what Tony had forwarded about the situation. To Natasha and Hawkeye in particular, he said, "Find Dr. Selvig and get him back to normal, then ask him how the space portal can be closed."