The Second Bruce's True Appearance

From here on, Luke's body transformation went smoothly, and nothing else happened.

However, without any IV nutrients, the energy required for the body transformation could only be provided with credit points.

Two credit points per minute wasn't too much.

When the most intense reactions passed after an hour, Luke had Osiris give him another IV.

Credit could provide energy, but not all the nutrition needed for the body.

Also, it cost practically nothing to buy a pile of IV bags.

Credit points, on the other hand, were all hard-earned. He worked hard to accumulate them, and of course, he would save as much as he could.

At that moment, the number on the system panel was: 31.

Luke struggled to smile. "Sure enough, the Chi Refining Technique can increase my stats."

If he could increase his stats by three or five points like last time, then reaching 80 might not be a pipe dream.