Good Rewards For Good People, and Unexpected Delight

Luke had told Selina earlier that Skye's power was genetic, and regular exercise wouldn't aggravate it.

If exercise could trigger a fluctuation of power, the natural activation of powers in Inhumans wouldn't be so rare.

In any case, Selina also had to train. It was just that Luke was busy, so she stayed with Skye in the living room.

Seeing that Skye was in low spirits, dragging her off to train for half an hour would ensure that she slept like a pig later.

While Selina dealt with Skye upstairs, Luke looked at the system panel in the basement, only to see that Skye's list of abilities had already turned dark.

After obtaining her list of abilities, Luke had manipulated the game so that they were tied.

In any case, the list would always be there now. This kid was already unlucky enough. He didn't want to make things worse.

Skye's abilities were basically to be expected, and included Basic Hacking and Basic Internet and Computer Hardware.