Sister, Save Me, and Take Over

Tony suddenly attacked from the side, and the Warlock subconsciously turned around so that they weren't facing each other.

The Hulkbuster reached under the Warlock's right armpit to grab his left arm with both hands. Its powerful legs wrapped around the other party's legs, and the back of its head was pressed to the back of the Warlock's head.

With their legs tangled together, the Warlock and Hulkbuster rolled over the ground for more than ten meters before they stopped.

The Warlock was alarmed and angry. He struggled with all his might, but couldn't escape for the time being. His right arm was stuck under his left arm, which was being held tightly.

The only attack the Warlock could use was to extend tentacles from his hands and stab at the Hulkbuster armor.

Its physical strength was completely limited. It was impossible for the tentacle alone to break through the Hulkbuster's thick armor.